Thursday 6 February 2014

Gender notes 13/12/13

Post masculinity
Masculinity is usually seen as working, looks after women, the greater sex, more powerful, strong and dominant and independent. Usually short hair, stubble or beard, muscly and tall.
Femininity usually seen as beautiful, cares what she looks like, vulverable, etc.
I.t crowd clips- man acts in a feminine way, crying etc. 

Male gaze
Gaze is how the audience views the people presented
Display women as sexual objects, vulnerable and weak, meaning the men are betrayed as strong
Features: camera lingers on females body (breasts and backside and curves) 

Doctor who clip: Amy takes control of the situation - saves the doctor by threatening other men
Men scared of the 'creature' 
Amy started off a stereotypical woman
Amy is getting men's attention - sex object
Rory was post masculine - not helping his girlfriend
Doctor is also post masculine - cares about looks 

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