Friday 14 February 2014

Monarch of the Glen - Essay on Age (Notes)

·         Close up of props
o   Life that she is leaving behind
·         Long shot and equal composition
o   Everyone is equal / Community
·         A change in the composition for the stereotypical traditional, but also fragile, elderly man as he knows he cannot match the adult in an argument so he stands down (‘this is my land’) makes him think he has power over the adult.
·         Switches between Authoritative Adult
·         Shows man’s emotions when girl runs away
o   No longer in control
·         Dialogue
o   The elderly man traditional man spoke properly
o   The younger people talked with an accent, small bits of slang
·         Soundtrack
o   Fast country
o   Everything is going well and everyone is happy
o   Changes to sad
o   Emphasis on her mood now that she has to leave
o   Keeps going even when she’s left to show that she’s left something behind
·         Heavy breathing
o   Scared
o   Unfit
o   Vunerable
·         FOLEY
o   Car crash
o   Reckless
·         Begin - Slow pace to put an emphasis on the work being done (Long day’s work ahead)
·         Towards end – pace fastens to show work being done
·         Man has the most prominence to show Authority over others
·         Cut to show everyone working as a team/ everyone doing there parts
·         Nice House
o   Rich
·         Building site
o   Everyone working together
o   Community
·         Props
o   Teddy bear to show that shes still a child
o   Work tools, power over traditional old man
o   Keys trusts her with his car when hes an adult
Stereotypes –
Control, Authority, Spontaneous, Reckless, Irrational, Traditional, Wise

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