Monday 31 March 2014

Music Piracy Lesson

Contemporary Media
In our global age we are able to see and hear events as they occur around the world. We can access and engage with information at any time in many forms. Modern media is, in its very nature, instant, accessible and multimodal, and as such provides more opportunities than ever before for students to engage and interact with, as well as compose and publish, media.

Starter - How do institutions sell their products to audiences in contemporary media? List 3 ways
1) Popup adds
2) Adds before videos on the internet that you have to watch a few minuets of.
3) Having a page on a social networking site and advertising things on them that would come up on follower or followers of followers pages (Twitter).

Writing Task
How do institutions sell their products to audiences in contemporary media?
Traditional Sales
Traditional sales would be advertising on everyday items that the target audience would use. Advertisement at bus stops.
In digital sales institutions would us advertisements such as popups and advertisements on the side of a webpage
Combatting Piracy
To combat piracy on certain sights such as YouTube there is ways that remove videos due to things like piracy. However in order to do anything about piracy in the cinemas there is no recording allowed, websites can be removed due to the copyright infringement act.
Streaming is a way to view videos online and more popular way among the younger generation. There are many different online sites to do this however they either cost money or the free accounts become blocked.

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